API Reference (beta) for <MapLibreContourSource />
Property | Type | Description |
tileOptions required | { thresholds: {}, multiplier?: number, overzoom?: number, elevationKey?: string, levelKey?: string, contourLayer?: string, extent?: number, buffer?: number, subsampleBelow?: number } | - |
url required | string | Remote DEM tile url using `{z}` `{x}` and `{y}` placeholders |
maxzoom required | number | Maximum zoom of tiles contained in the source |
children optional | Snippet<[DemSource]> | - |
demSource optional bindable | DemSource | - |
attribution optional | string | - |
getTile optional | GetTileFunction() | - |
cacheSize optional | number | Number of most-recently-used tiles to cache |
id optional | string | Prefix for the maplibre protocol |
encoding optional | "terrarium" | "mapbox" | - default: "mapbox" |
timeoutMs optional | number | - |
worker optional | boolean | Handle requests in a shared web worker to reduce UI-thread jank default: true |
actor optional | Actor<WorkerDispatch> | - |